International AADC Conference Selsdon Park Hotel, London October 6th and 7th, 2011
The PND Association sent a group of representatives to participate in the International AADC Conference. The conference was held October 6th and 7th, 2011 in London, at the Selsdon Park Hotel.
The first day of the conference was a combination of Clinical/Scientific Presentations and Research Progress Focusing on Possible Treatments for AADC. The first day came to a close with a family round table.

Krystof Bankiewicz, M.D., PhD. and Darryl De Vivo, M.D.
Clinical and Scientific Presentations
Prof Simon Heales
Conference Chairman / AADC Overview (UK)
Dr Paul Hwu
Outcome of Gene Therapy Trials on AADC deficiency children (Taiwan)
Dr Kristof Bankoweizc
Proposed / Image-Guided AAV2-AADC gene transfer into the brain (USA)
Dr Umrao Monani
Proposed / Mouse Model Study (USA)
Dr Alessandro Roncador & Dr Riccardo Montioli
Molecular Insight into AADC using Pigs Kidney (Italy)
Dr George Allen
AADC ‘PhD’ / Project Summary (UK)
Dr Marcel Verbeek and Dr Michel Willemsen
Urinary Dopamine in AADC deficiency: The Unsolved Paradox / Project Summary (Netherlands)
Dr Jean-Pierre Lin, Dr Daniel Lumsden and Hortensia Gimeno - Pramipexole Vs Pergolide (UK Case Study)
Dr Manju Kurian
Proposed/Investigation of the Neuropsychiatric Manifestations of AADC Deficiency (UK)
Dr Shuhei Ide
Salivary Melatonin Concentration in AADC deficiency (Japan)
Dr Neil Dalton
Measurement of Plasma & Dried Blood Spot 3-O-methyldopa (UK)
The second day was made up of Clinical Case Studies and Family Presentations. The conference wrapped up with an Expert Panel Discussion and a Question and Answer Session among the clinicians and families. Prior to departing it was agreed that the group will work to get the preceeds from this event published.
Case Study Presentations
Dr Philip Pearl
AADC Deficiency in USA
Dr's Alessandro Burlina
AADC Deficiency in Italy
Dr Rafael Artuch
AADC Deficiency in Spain
Dr Magalie Barth/Dr Laurence Christa
AADC Deficiency in France
Dr Shintaku
Nationwide Epidemiological Study of Pediatric
Neurotransmitter Disease in Japan
Professor Masaya Segawa
A Japanese Case of AADC
Dr Bruria Ben-Zeev - AADC
Patients from Israel
AADC Family Presentations
Sofie Van Even
Parent presentation by AADC family (Belgium)
Zoe Welsh
Ted’s Smile - A Parents Perspective (UK)
Lea Ridamäe
Parent Presentation by AADC family (Estonia)
Allan Hau
Parent Presentation by AADC Family (Australia)
Kelly Heger
Parent Presentation by AADC Family (USA)
Additional Attendees include
Dr Keith Hyland (USA)
Prof. Darryl De Vivo (USA)
Prof. Nenad Blau (Switzerland)
Prof. Georg Hoffmann (Germany)
Prof. Peter Clayton (UK)
Dr John Land (UK)
Dr Roser Pons (Greece)
Dr Mike Gibson (USA)
Dr Wang Tso Lee (Taiwan)
Dr Muramatsu (Currently in Germany but from Japan)
Dr Luc Regal (Belgium)
Dr Paul Gissen (UK)
We are grateful to the AADC Research Trust and Tony & Lisa Flint for hosting and including the PND Association in this valuable medical summit on AADC. We were able to learn about the latest research advancements in Europe and around the world and collaborate on ways to jointly coordinate future research projects.
Hope for tomorrow begins today...